Clinicians Interested In/Or Pursuing Private Practice

Minon Maier, LMFT and Lucy Guadalupe, LAMFT will host this virtual training. Minon Maier, LMFT has grown her private practice by 300% since 2020 and Lucy Guadalupe, LAMFT has doubled her income since 2023.

Minon Maier and Lucy Guadalupe will review necessary information for starting a private practice or joining a private practice. We will share information on legal/ethical considerations, AzBBHE rules and statutes, as well as tips and tricks we have learned along the way.

Training will include (but not limited to):

  • How to set up your practice

  • AzBBHE rules/statutes

  • Administrative considerations

  • Marketing

  • Niche

  • Mistakes to avoid

  • Q&A session